The Players

The Players, in Alphabetical Order 
(and in no way indicative of their relative importance as, in Faerun, it is All for One and One for All)

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Blurb Birchbark (Phil)
Firbolg Druid

Eamon of the Yellow Rose (Bill)
Human Monk

Gorlock (Tony)
Half-Elf Celestial Warlock

Greeba (Jelena)
Half-Orc Barbarian Beserker, Nar Steelsmith of Soravia

Joell (Max)
Aasimar Paladin

Nathia (Kimberly)
Goliath Fighter

Wisteria (Jelly)
Moon Elf Grave Cleric

Retainers, Servants & Pets

Human Shadow Sorcerer. Rescued from Fort Skulnar where she was being held captive, Elia is literally from another world -- New York City (which was experiencing a zombie apocalypse at the time) -- and is trying to adapt as best she can to Faerun.

Lyssa Brown
Recruited by Arian, Lyssa is a half-elf druid in training who has a way with plants and animals. She is tasked with helping maintain the healing garden at the Fort.
A tamed and trained wolf that Arian liberated from the orcs who had formerly occupied Fort Skulnar. She is currently teaching him to respond to silent hand commands.

Sirondar Altur Banacath
Human male fighter and close friend of Thibault. He has recently become quite friendly with Elia.

Former bandit captain and now head of the guard at the Fort after talked into changing his ways by his old acquaintance Thibault.

Estie Longossip
Charming, connected, agony aunt to the people in the know. "From the castle to the gutter, no rumour escapes her". Servant to Thibault.

Will the Quill
Scribe, Chronicler, messenger, fluent in too many languages to count (actually it's four). Retainer to Thibault.

Dove Tailjoint
She has golden hands. She can craft any object as long as it's made of wood. Servant to Thibault.

Former Players

Bryn (Kimberly), Deceased
An elf rogue from a noble background, who had wanted to learn more about her mother's death by poisoning. Sadly, she was unlucky in this life and met her end underneath the Cumin Inn at the hand of a ghast.

Torgin, on Hiatus

Mistle (Jelly), working at Cumin Inn

Arian (Kimberly)

A Moon Elf druid from an isolated snow elf clan from the mountains bordering the White Worm Glacier. The clan are allies of the powerful half-elven 'white witch' Tanwen Whitefire, whose tower borders the glacier, and enemies of the terrible frost and fire giants. After experiencing a harrowing experience in the mountains, Arian has come down to lower, warmer climes and is investigating possible ley line issues on the behest of Jaroo Ashstaff, human Druid of the Grove in the NW Rawlinswood. Arian is awkward around people, though she is trying her best to learn how to interact with them. Her favoured animal form is a white arctic dire wolf.

She died in a battle with Sister Alcava, sacrificing herself in the hopes that the rest of the party would get away.

Trystan (Jelly)
Half-Elf Bard

He died fighting the half-dragon twins

Thibault of Brandiar (Philippe)
Paladin of the Golden Cup
Knight of Camarthan, vassal of the Duchess Malla of Camarthan.
I was too young when the war against Zhengyi begun and was just helplessly witnessing the murder of my sister and brother in my home, the Duchy of Brandiar in northern Damara . I tried to make sense of their death and came up with the conclusion that we cannot stay put in our old ways, we need to track and find evil instead of letting come to us. We need also to rebuild the world on better foundations. For that, I must roam the world and eliminate evil wherever it hides, and bring hope and good in the heart of the populations as far as possible.

He also fell in the battle with Sister Alcava.

Xarius Jaunesse (Max)
A half-elf Wild Magic Sorcerer with multi-coloured flowing hair and a penchant for interesting cloaks, Xarius tends to be on the quiet side, mostly because he is terrible at this whole people-ing thing. 
