Mischief at Moonglen
It had been an eventful few months -- Wisteria and Eamon had teamed up to help (hopefully) prevent a war (with Wisteria truly showing a knack for conversion that no one had anticipated). Eamon had fought alongside another brave band and died for his troubles, though happily he had been revivified not much the worse for wear.
Nathia had attended a wedding and spent some time training her cousin, as well as working alongside Greeba in crafting armor...and, of course, spending some time with Arnor, who still seemed a bit shellshocked that the queen had let him return to the surface. Happily, Mac and Gorlock were able to use their charm to get a good price for the extra armour, netting a tidy profit for everyone. (600 gp to everyone other than Greeba and Nathia, who get 1200 gp each, plus an additional 50 gp each to Mac and Gorlock).
Joell spent his time perfecting his woodworking skills. Gorlock had spent his time crafting and charming the fey who had accepted his plea to visit -- Maive and Oleane seemed to enjoy the warlock's company. Perhaps it was because the brandy flowed freely at Gorlock's palace.
Mac disappeared for days at a time, returning covered in the dust of travel and sometimes sporting a new scar or two, though he kept it close to his chest where he'd gone. Everyone doted on Sirondar and Elia's new baby, Thibault. Blurb stayed mostly to himself, though he was happy to model his new green dragon scale armour for everyone once it was complete. He and the half-orc made a striking pair in their matching sets.
Some of Blurb's firbolg friends had visited and had reported some disturbing news about Moonglen -- gnomes had been disappearing and it was suspected that the phase spiders, which they had long had a decent relationship with, were behind it. Blurb, concerned, convinced the others to make the trek to see if they could determine what the problem was.
Upon arriving in the idyllic village, they stopped first at the home of Arabeth, a vassal of the Lunar Knight's, hoping she might be able to give them guidance or advice. Mac and Gorlock both were enchanted by the sylvan lady and she, it seems, by them. Her gnome scouts gave them some insight -- something evil was definitely dwelling in the ruins of the tower where the phase spiders gathered. Strange lights lit the tower at night and one of the gnomes that had disappeared, Pibble, was the son of Grusheg Gnomen and he had been reputed to be a "spider whisperer" -- and his younger brother Tinkle perhaps shared his talent.
The next day, they visited the Gnomen's and managed to convince the gnome matriarch to let Tinkle accompany them, pledging to protect him and either avenge his older brother or save him. Tinkle, though small and with hardly adequate armour for a fierce battle, bravely led them to the tower.
It appeared to be a relic from the Old Kingdom; gaping holes marked the sides and there was no door left. Lichen covered stairs led up. Having heard that the phase spiders liked shiny things, Nathia tossed a handful of silver into the tower while Tinkle attempted to commune with the spiders. But his efforts were for naught; three spiders phased in and immediately attacked Nathia.They sprang into action -- Eamon leading with his fists and Blurb lighting a fire under one. The spiders fell quickly, Joell killing the last one.
Tinkle looked with dismay upon the fallen spiders. "Some horrible thing has taken them over," he said. Joell comforted him with some well placed words and a pat on the back. It was clear the gnome was troubled by what he had glimpsed in the mind's of the spiders.
Arnor agreed. He said he could sense something similar to a shadow road or a portal. Something, certainly, was in the tower.
While they debated the best way to proceed, they asked Tinkle to harvest some of the spider silk in order to make bags of holding later. They had a short rest as they took stock. But soon, an even bigger wave of spiders appeared. Nathia killed one, as did Mac. Gorlock and Joell joined in, with Eamon making a spectacular hit. Greeba broke through a mass of webbing to join Blurb. But before they could take them all out, the spiders phased away. Everyone readied themselves for their reappearance.
They didn't have to wait long. Standing away from the others, Eamon suddenly found himself surrounded, but like some mythic figure of legend, he managed to dodge all of their attacks. Even Tinkle, protected by Joell, joined in the attack and they managed to kill more spiders and subdue one, hoping for answers -- but none were forthcoming.
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From the journal of Mac |
So, they headed up the stairs. Three spiders surround Wisteria, but her spirit guardians protected her. On the next floor up, Blurb investigates and find a gnome skeleton still clutching a sword. Tinkle identifies the body as a gnome ranger, carrying a magical short sword called Redthorne, reputed to be able to close gates.
They continued on, Joell carrying Tinkle. The farther up the went, the more destroyed the interior of the tower was. At the top, there was only a small area left and in it was a strange ball of shimmering light. Eamon, with his sharp eyes, pointed out some barely visible runes. It seemed they had found the gate and so...they went through.
They found themselves in a small square chamber. Webs covered the windows and the air held a fine mist. Where before they had climbed, now it seemed they had to descend. They next level below looked to be an alchemist's laboratory. There was something gaseous in a cabinet full of potion gourds, so the rest stood well away as Blurb investigated. He took some poison damage but inside he found 3 greater healing potions and 5 doses of Keoghtom's ointment, so felt it worth it. Paladin in a jar! In the back of the cabinet, he also found a jar full of a viscous grey gel -- oil of etherealness.
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From the journal of Mac |
They continued to descend into another room full of spider webbing. Seven gnome-sized cocoons lay scattered about, as well as what looked to be spider eggs. They carefully cut them open to reveal the captured gnomes -- still alive, though barely. Pale as death they were, but Tinkle cheered to see his brother. Joel and Mac lay hands upon those they could and awakened them all, though the gnomes were groggy and barely able to stand.
Blurb took the opportunity to burst the spider eggs -- they weren't from a phase spider. As he does, a high-pitched keening scream came from below. Arnor quickly gathered the gnomes and took them to safety.
Joell cast light upon a pebble and dropped it into the chamber below so they could see what they were up against. Down below were three enormous spiders--Spiders of Leng. They had sickly purple abdomens and were horrifyingly large.
Greeba and Joell immediately rushed to action, and Blurb cast moonbeam upon one. But then the spiders cast some foul charm spell upon the group and all but Gorlock and Mac were suddenly immobilised, lost in some kind of vision, not sure of where they were or what they were doing.
Eamon, thanks to his monk training, was able to shake it off and attacked, breaking the concentration of one of the spiders. Blurb and Nathia shook themselves awake. The monk even managed to stun the spider and then punched Joell awake.
The goliath and the aasimar worked together to kill a spider and Blurb awoke Greeba. Mac was vicious in his attacks, smiting the spiders with holy anger.
Arnor, having carried the gnomes to safety, reappears to find the battle fully engaged, while Blurb moved his moonbeam so that it could do more damage and heals the sorely wounded Mac, who then kills a spider with a solid blow.
Wisteria and Blurb press the attack and they all work together until all that is left of the Spiders of Leng are a tangled gooey mass of legs and webbing. They leave the foul tower and make their way back to the gnome village, the gate closed...hopefully for good
Grateful, the gnome villagers construct 3 bags of holding (taken by Gorlock, Mac, and Eamon) from the spider silk left in the tower. Tinkle is happy to report that the phase spider that they had spared in battle, along with some eggs, would be enough to slowly rebuild the spider colony. Among the debris, they also find some gold (2,250 gp), an immovable rod, and a gourd full of oil of slipperiness.
The gnomes throw them a feast before they return to the Fort to rest and recuperate -- Nathia training herself hard as the battle in the tower had given her some insight into how she might better herself (Nathia levels up to 7).
[Note: if anyone wants to claim the rod or any of the various potions, let me know and I'll update this]
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