Bloody Undead
An accounting from Arian. After unceremoniously (and quickly) leaving the wizard's booby-trapped tower and taking Eamon to see the Prior before he rotted away before their eyes, no one was sure what to do. Go back to the tower? Go home? Go somewhere else? But then they heard a rumour of some kind of witch taking commoners and children from a village -- and bleeding them! -- and then not returning them as promised. It certainly seemed a worthwhile endeavour. Leaving Eamon behind to rest, they approached the manor house with the temple next door. No one was home, though an undead ogre guarded the entrance to the temple. Wisteria thought it best they try to avoid a fight with the ogre and sneak in so as to surprise the priestess (or whatever she was). She managed to cast Turn Undead upon him, which allowed them to enter without a fight. Arian wondered if he would be as amenable when they were ready to leave, but that was a problem for another time. Inside, they were soon ...